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 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials together? 
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Post 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials together?
Having a wooden pole appr. 12-13m high. Putting up 3 wire verticals, 80m (Inv-L), 40m (Inv-L) and 20m. They are separated some 0,5m out from and spread around the pole, each having 2 elevated tuned radials. Each with it's own coax feeder. It would be very easy to put short jumper cables betwen the radials and connect them together.

If radials on ground I think the answer would be obvius, just put as much as possibel copper in the ground ;) But what about elevated radials? Any benefit with connecting the elevated radialsystems together, or not?

Any comments appreciated ;) been Googling and reading the antenna handbook but don't get any wiser .. hi


Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:14 am
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 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials together? 
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Post Re: 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials toget
If they are tuned and you connect them all together they will then become un tuned so you will lose any "benefit" . you will probably change any radiation pattern you have now and may in fact end up with all manner of issues ..

Voice is for CBers, amateur radio operators, the average citizen, and the military. In other words, voice is for everyone with a mouth. CW is for those who choose this newer mode of communication. Newer? Why yes. Voice has been around for a million years.

Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:06 am
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 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials together? 
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Post Re: 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials toget
Well that's what I been thinking to. But, on 15m f.ex, will the radials for 40m resonate as if you compare with a 40m dipole that tunes well on 15m? in case they do, will they add to the groundplane? I wasn't sure on how to think about it ;) Of course playing safe would be to not to connect them together, but would like to know for sure. Would be interesting to get a theoretical explanation as well ;)


Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:16 am
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 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials together? 
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Post Re: 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials toget
Steves your man for solid info , no doubt he will reply with a far more informed reply than I could ever give ..

Voice is for CBers, amateur radio operators, the average citizen, and the military. In other words, voice is for everyone with a mouth. CW is for those who choose this newer mode of communication. Newer? Why yes. Voice has been around for a million years.

Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:33 am
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