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 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 

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Post The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
Well, after taking that Morse test about 10yrs ago and never really bothering with it on the air, I decided that I should get me a paddle key - After seeing the price of them, I opted to make my own so if I got bored then I'd not lost out. I challenged myself to construct it from bits and pieces that I had available - some chunks of wood, a strip of veroboard and a few screws/solder-tags.

Midway through construction:

The completed beast:

No prizes for precision but it'll get me on the air without having to resort to a straight key or getting the computer to send it. What has surprised me is that my speed is still rather respectable, around 22wpm. It also gives me an excuse to put the 300Hz filter in on the FT-450D :D

Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:23 pm

 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 
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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
10 out of 10 for ingenuity :thumbsup:
A veroboard key, nice one!

Building your own equipment is one of amateur radio's most satisfying elements.

Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:52 pm
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 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 
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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
Thats nearly as crude as my old two drawing pins, and a paper clip, straight key! I knocked it up to demo at a radio talk, to show how versatile and simple CW was, and could virtualy be achieved with two bits of bare wire!
Nice one, 10 out of 10 for "kitchen top" construction! :D

Dave G0BHD.
Been there and got the T shirt, sadly like the T shirt the memory of it has long since faded, gone rather tatty, and finally been consigned to the bin!

Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:40 pm
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 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 

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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
Thanks for the comments - Just need to get used to using it, now. I've also put a short video up to show it in use:

Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:05 pm

 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 
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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
There is a lot of people using home made keys out there , they can be expensive . I spoke to a guy yesterday using a single lever made with a hacksaw blade . My first paddle was made from copper clad board as my straight key kept falling apart mid qso :)

Voice is for CBers, amateur radio operators, the average citizen, and the military. In other words, voice is for everyone with a mouth. CW is for those who choose this newer mode of communication. Newer? Why yes. Voice has been around for a million years.

Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:42 am
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 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 
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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
I love things like this, very inventive.

This is my effort made from a scrap bit of brass, double sided PCB, and the contacts salvaged from relays, I used it for years. It is still in the garage if I care to dig it out.


Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:13 pm
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 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 
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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
couple i made , the single lever i used for ages ..

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Voice is for CBers, amateur radio operators, the average citizen, and the military. In other words, voice is for everyone with a mouth. CW is for those who choose this newer mode of communication. Newer? Why yes. Voice has been around for a million years.
Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:15 am
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 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 
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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
Love the two coins! :D
Now if you had used a couple of Gold Sovereigns, that would have been classed as an "upmarket" key! :lol:

Dave G0BHD.
Been there and got the T shirt, sadly like the T shirt the memory of it has long since faded, gone rather tatty, and finally been consigned to the bin!

Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:41 am
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 The World's Ugliest Paddle Key! 
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Post Re: The World's Ugliest Paddle Key!
That cost me 12p :) thing is it actually works ok ..

Voice is for CBers, amateur radio operators, the average citizen, and the military. In other words, voice is for everyone with a mouth. CW is for those who choose this newer mode of communication. Newer? Why yes. Voice has been around for a million years.

Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:16 am
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