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Online training for ham radio exam in Spain Online training is growing in popularity in Spain, URE Malaga has started online tutorials on the Amateur Radio Exam Book through the Jitsi Meet platform These tutorials are open, so any interested party who is preparing to obtain an administrative authorization from amateur radio can attend. The tutorials will be held every Thursday at 7:00 pm at https://t.co/kooVmuOYjdThe URE has provided the necessary resources so that these tutorials are subsequently recorded on the URE YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/URE_RadioaficionadosSpain's HAREC exam for the Full license comprises 30 questions on Rules and Regulations and 30 on Technical Theory. The pass mark is 50% for each. The URE has made available the 600 exam questions as exam papers for candidates to practice on, see Regs https://www.ure.es/examenes/reglamentacion/Theory https://www.ure.es/examenes/electricida ... ctricidad/URE https://tinyurl.com/IARU-SpainFree online amateur radio Technician license class The Montgomery Amateur Radio Club in Maryland is offering a free online Zoom amateur radio Technician license class on seven Saturdays from March 19, 2022 through April 30, 2022 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM with an outdoor free test session on Sunday, May 1, 2022 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM. More information about this Zoom class is at https://www.marcclub.org/mweb/education ... ician.htmlThis is a great opportunity for you to get your amateur radio license. To learn more about amateur radio, also known as ham radio, go to http://www.arrl.org/what-is-ham-radioTo register for this free class, send an email to education@marcclub.org . Also, please distribute this announcement to anyone who expresses an interest in getting their ham license and to any newly licensed hams.
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:14 am |
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Netherlands: Results of Novice and Full ham radio exams VERON reports on the results of the exams for the amateur radio Full (F) and Novice (N) licenses held on March 2 in Nieuwegein, Netherlands A translation of the VERON post reads: On March 2, 2022, the N (CEPT Novice) and F (CEPT HAREC) radio exams were held in Nieuwegein. A day later, the Radio Exams Foundation (SRE) announced the preliminary exam results. For the N exam, the pass rate was 70%, while for the F exam, 65% of the candidates passed. The total number of exam candidates was 60. VERON congratulates the graduates and wishes the others every success in the resit The first radio exams after the Covid-19 pandemic are behind us: on March 2, the Radio Exams Foundation (SRE) received 20 candidates for the F-exam in Nieuwegein. For the N-exam, 40 candidates went up. The exam day yielded 13 newly successful F-amateurs (success rate 65%). In the N-exam, 28 of the 40 candidates were able to give sufficiently correct answers (success rate 70%). This time, none of the candidates was able to answer all the questions correctly. Four candidates made only one mistake: neat! Source VERON https://tinyurl.com/IARU-NetherlandsThe Novice exam is equivalent to UK Foundation and Intermediate combined. The duration is 75 minutes and the paper comprises 40 questions, each question has three answers (a-c) to choose from, the pass mark is 29. The Full Exam is equivalent to UK Foundation, Intermediate and Full exams combined, there is no need to have first done the Novice exam. The Full exam lasts 105 minutes and the paper comprises 50 questions each with four answers (a-d) to choose from, the pass mark is 35.
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:15 am |
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Australia: Advanced ham radio exam syllabus to match HAREC Australia's regulator ACMA has announced it will update the Advanced Amateur Radio syllabus by adopting the syllabus contained in CEPT HAREC The announcement appeared in the ACMA Amateur Radio newsletter dated March 2, it said: Update: review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements Following release of the Response to submissions: Review of non-assigned amateur licensing arrangements in November 2021, we have been progressing proposals responding to a range of constructive suggestions from submitters raised during consultation. This includes international recognition of Australian amateur licensing arrangements and call sign management under a class licence. In late Q2 2022, we intend to consult on an updated draft amateur class licence, incorporating feedback and practical suggestions from submitters that will enhance the use of the licence. As part of this consultation, we will update the amateur community on our consideration of the outstanding matters that will support the transition to class licensing arrangements. Update: survey results In the October 2021 Amateur radio update, we included a survey that posed 2 questions: • Should the ACMA restrict access to suffixes SOS and PAN? • Out of 245 respondents, 97.55% answered Yes and 2.45% answered No. • Do you agree with the ACMA’s proposal to update the Advanced syllabus by adopting the syllabus contained in HAREC? • Out of 243 respondents, 95.88% answered Yes and 4.12% answered No. Given the strong support for these proposals, we will implement these plans in line with our work program and will advise the amateur community once the relevant changes to administrative arrangements have been made. You can receive the ACMA Amateur Radio newsletter via https://www.acma.gov.au/subscribe-our-newsletters
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:16 am |
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51 new German radio hams Germany's DARC report that an online training course was held in 2021, as a result 51 people have now passed an amateur radio exam and got their license 34 achieved the Class A (CEPT HAREC) license that permits 750 watts 17 achieved the Class E (CEPT Novice) license that permits 100 watts Andreas, DJ3EI, says: "We wish all newly 'licensed' a lot of fun with the many new possibilities of our wonderful hobby and all those who are still learning a lot of success!" Source DARC http://DARC.de/While Germany has now run an online amateur radio training course the exams are not available online and have to be done in-person at one of the limited number of sites of the communications regulator BNetzA http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/n ... ermany.htmIn March 2021 Germany's Amateur Radio Round Table (RTA) asked BNetzA to introduce online exams as yet nothing appears to have happened. In the UK online exams that people can do from home have proved very popular http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/m ... -exams.htm
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:13 am |
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Norway: Talk on proposed beginners amateur radio license The Academic Radio Club (ARK) report the annual ham radio meeting at Gardermoen featured a presentation by Torbjørn LA4ZCA on Norway's proposed new beginners license ARK say: Norwegian Hammeeting is a convention for radio amateurs in Norway to connect and where relevant organizations like NKOM [communications regulator] and NRRL [national society] present their news and information ... When introduced, this beginner license will have lower issuance requirements in exchange for limited rights in terms of things like operating bands and output power. Additionally there is a plan to introduce the hobby early on in schools and make the study material more accessible. ARK has been hosting license courses for a while, so we are naturally interested in this project, considering the opportunities the new license will bring our members. Read the ARK report on the Norwegian Hammeeting 2022 https://www.la1k.no/2022/03/16/ark-at-n ... ting-2022/https://twitter.com/la1ark2021 - Norway looking to introduce Entry Level ham radio license that will enable young people to build their own transmitters and transceivers http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/n ... icense.htm
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:35 am |
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Record numbers take ham radio exam in Hyderabad Telangana Today reports 251 students and teachers took the amateur radio exam in Hyderabad, India, on March 15 The newspaper says: A record number of 251 persons including students and teachers took the Amateur Station Operator Certificate (ASOC) examination conducted by the Ministry of Communications at the Vidya Jyoti Institute of Technology (VJIT) here on Tuesday. Interestingly, all the faculty members of the Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) of the VJIT from HoD to Assistant Professors took the examination along with students. Lamakaan Amateur Radio Club (LARC) provided free training to the applicants in basic electronics and other subjects necessary for clearing the ASOC examination. According to LARC president Sasi Bhushan, VU2XZ, a total of 271 persons had applied for the examination and 251 persons took the exam. This is by far the biggest number ever to take the ASOC examination in Telangana. The exam was conducted by the Regional Monitoring Station, Department of Telecommunications. Source Telangana Today https://telanganatoday.com/record-numbe ... -hyderabadhttps://twitter.com/telanganatoday
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:30 am |
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Radio Amateurs from Russia and Belarus will be not able to use CEPT agreement to operate from foreign countries. Information from CEPT website: Outcome of the written procedure with the CEPT Assembly regarding suspension of the Russian Federation and Belarus from CEPT Membership.
Based on a request from a number of CEPT members, the CEPT Presidency carried out a written procedure, in accordance with the CEPT Arrangement, on the proposal to suspend indefinitely and with immediate effect the memberships of the Russian Federation and Belarus in the CEPT.
Thirty-four responses were received to the CEPT Assembly letter in support of the proposal and one abstention.
Based on the above, the CEPT Assembly has therefore decided:
to suspend indefinitely memberships of the Russian Federation and Belarus in the CEPT. that the suspension of the said CEPT members will take effect as from 00:00 (CET), 18 March 2022. that any future readmission to the CEPT would follow the usual rules established in the CEPT Arrangement, notably the need for a two-thirds majority of members of the CEPT to endorse such a decision. Moreover, the CEPT Presidency requested the Office to take all necessary measures in order to set in place the above-mentioned decisions.
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Sun Mar 20, 2022 1:45 pm |
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Finland: Over 200 people start ham radio training Finland's national amateur radio society the SRAL reports over 200 people have started training for an amateur radio license since the start of the year The post by Board Director Timo Rinne OH5LLR says: The beginning of the year has been fast-paced from the point of view of a new board member. Both the government and the office are currently understaffed, so there is plenty to do. Fortunately, we have received help from active Members and committees. The continuity of RA Magazine was confirmed when Tomi OH2ID took over the main position almost from the flight. The office's resources will also be strengthened during the spring. There are new winds blowing in the committees, too. The concept of an automated station has evolved over the years, and the related processes and Radio Amateur regulations have not kept pace with the development. A new working group led by Erik OH2LAK has been set up to coordinate and develop the operation of automated stations in its current form. The Competition Committee will also sharpen tools to increase the test activity, more information on this in the following RA Journals. At the time of writing, the war in Ukraine has lasted just over a week. The full-scale war is closer to us than at any time since The Second World War. The Proximity of the war and the fact that the invading party is our neighboring country will certainly provoke strong emotions in all Finns and also in us radio amateurs. It is quite humane that radio amateurs are also concerned about the situation and sympathy with the people affected by the war. In the midst of all this, however, I would like to remember the importance of ham-spirit and the fact that radio amateurs have not started the war. I do not want to ostracize citizens of any country, but to confront every radio Amateur with the same openness and kindness, regardless of nationality. Not so bad or something good. I am particularly pleased with the educational activity that started during the beginning of the year. There are three elementary class courses running with a total of over 200 participants. I have been following all the courses and have seen the trainers do an excellent job. Here grows a plush crop for the union, which should be collected as well as possible and realized in the form of new members. Cooperation with our partners' important partners is progressing in a good spirit. The Board has held a traditional spring meeting with Traficom. It has been agreed that co-operation will be intensified and meetings will be held more frequently. In addition, we have started the preparation of the MPK partnership agreement as required by the autumn meeting. The draft agreement is scheduled to be submitted to the spring meeting for decision. The pandemic is also finally easing its grip, allowing for a number of hidden forms of action. Club nights have been activated and various events can be organized again. The long-awaited DX pediatrics have been launched in several different countries. Hopefully, Finnish world travelers will soon set out to activate DXCC countries around the world. Even the summer camp seems to take place after a long break. Riihimäki Kolmoset has started preparations for the camp and their progress will be announced in the spring bulletins and in RA. I hope to meet as many of you as possible in Eerikkilä in July as beaks. Timo Rinne, OH5LLR Source SRAL https://tinyurl.com/IARU-FinlandFinland has two categories of licence: Basic Class - equivalent to CEPT Novice and UK Intermediate General Class - equivalent to CEPT HAREC and UK Full
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Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:33 am |
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Icelandic ham radio course is both online and in-person Iceland's national amateur radio society, the IRA, are running an amateur radio training course with both in-person and online participants A translation of the IRA post reads: The ÍRA course for the amateur exam in the spring of 2022 began at Reykjavík University (RU) on Monday, March 28. Jón Björnsson, TF3PW supervisor, launched the course for 19 participants. Seven participants attended a classroom at RU and nine were online, including from Raufarhöfn, Sauðárkrókur, Hvolsvöllur, Þorlákshöfn and the capital area. Remote connections went well and one participant, for example, was abroad and said the connection was very good. After the introduction, Kristinn Andersen, TF3KX took over and started teaching. He will also be teaching tonight (Tuesday, March 29) but Hörður Mar Tómasson, TF3HM will take over on Wednesday. Instruction will then be according to schedule. It is worth mentioning that the 19th registration was received last night (Monday, March 28) from the Westfjords. Best wishes for a good exchange rate and thanks to everyone involved in the project. Board of IRA. Source with pictures at https://tinyurl.com/IARU-Iceland
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Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:25 am |
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New licensing regulations in Bangladesh The Financial Express reports new Ministry of Post, Telecommunication and ICT licensing regulations came into effect in Bangladesh on March 16, 2022 The newspaper says the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) issued a new licensing regulation, categorising services for getting licences through tender and open allocations. Some eight telecommunication services, including internet services, V-SAT service, radio communication, amateur radio, internet protocol telephony service, telecommunication transmission service, national internet exchange service, and vehicle tracking service, have been fixed to get licence from the BTRC through open application. Read the article at https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/trad ... 1648522422
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Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:44 am |
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Sweden: Fees for radio amateurs running 1kW Following questions from members Sweden's national amateur radio society SSA has issued a clarification regarding annual fees for amateurs running more than 200 watts Amateur radio in Sweden was made license exempt on October 1, 2004 https://pts.se/en/english-b/radio/radio-amateurs/On November 1, 2018 Sweden's communications regulator PTS reduced the license-exempt amateur radio power limit from 1 kW to just 200 watts. A special permit and an annual fee was now required for the higher power level that amateurs had previously been allowed. A translation of the statement issued by the SSA on April 7, 2022, reads: Several amateurs have contacted the SSA with questions about invoices for permit fees from the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency [PTS]. If you know you have been granted a high-power permit (1000 watts), then this is most likely what the invoice refers to. The permit is automatically extended by five years at a time as long as you do not cancel it. But the fee must still be paid annually. For 2022, the fee is SEK 323 [£26 or $34], including a market control fee of SEK 11. It is thus not a question of a reintroduced general license fee for operation below 200 watts. More information is available on PTS's website: https://www.pts.se/sv/privat/radio/amat ... atorradio/Source SSA https://tinyurl.com/IARU-Sweden
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Sat Apr 09, 2022 7:35 am |
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Canada: Updated policy on amateur radio and examinations On March 22, 2022, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) released updated versions of two important amateur radio policy documents They are: • RIC-1 – Guide for Examiners Accredited to Conduct Examinations for Amateur Radio Operator Certificates • RIC-3 – Information on the Amateur Radio Service Both documents were updated to reflect the changes made to the Radiocommunication Regulations, specifically the rescinded ISED $20 examination fee for Amateur Radio Operator Certificates and the removal of certificates that are no longer issued by ISED. Other revisions include “editorial corrections for clarity” and the conversion to electronic format of the form to apply to become an Accredited Examiner. Comments and suggestions may be directed to the following address: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Spectrum Management Operations Branch 235 Queen Street Ottawa ON K1A 0H5 You can find the updated documents at these links: RIC-1: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.n ... 01007.htmlRIC-3: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.n ... 01008.htmlAmateur radio in Canada became license exempt on April 1, 2000. A call sign when issued lasts for 125 years from the holders date of birth at which point it can be re-assigned. The full text of the Radiocommunication Regulations is at https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/reg ... lText.html
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Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:34 am |
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Results of Iceland's ham radio exam Iceland's national amateur radio society, the IRA, reports on the amateur radio exam that was held on May 21 Fjarskiptastofa, the Electronic Communications Office of Iceland (ECOI), held the exam for an amateur license on May 21 in three places in the country. The following new licensees have applied for and been given call signs: Fannar Freyr Jónsson, TF3FA (Reykjavík). Grímur Snæland Sigurðsson, TF3GSS (Mosfellsbær). Guðmundur Veturliði Einarsson, TF3VL (Reykjavík). Júlía Guðmundsdóttir, TF3JG (Reykjavík). Kristján Gunnarsson, TF9ZG (Sauðárkrókur). Ómar Örn Sæmundsson, TF1OS (Reykjavík). Sævar Örn Eiríksson, TF1SAB (Þorlákshöfn). Sincere congratulations and welcome to the air! Board of IRA. https://tinyurl.com/IARU-Iceland
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Fri May 27, 2022 9:41 am |
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Netherlands amateur radio exam Netherland's amateur radio society VERON reports on the amateur radio exams held in Leeuwarden on Saturday, May 21 The Netherlands has two types of amateur radio exam, CEPT Novice (equivalent to UK Intermediate), and the Full (CEPT HAREC). The Novice exam comprises 40 questions each with 3 answers to choose from, of which 29 must be answered correctly. The exam lasts for 75 minutes. There is no need to do the Novice exam before doing the Full. The Full exam comprises 50 questions each with 4 answers to choose from of which 35 must be correct. The exam lasts for 105 minutes. A translation of the VERON post reads: On Saturday, May 21, 2022, the radio exams were held in Leeuwarden. A day later we received the preliminary exam results from Henk Vrolijk PA0HPV. For the N exam, the pass rate was 84.8%, while for the F exam, 63.2% of the candidates passed. The total number of exam candidates was 52. VERON congratulates the graduates and wishes the others every success in the resit. Radio exams were held in a room of the Kurioskerk in Leeuwarden. Inspector Sietse Anema was present as a representative of Agentschap Telecom. For the F exam, 19 of the 20 invited candidates showed up and 12 of them passed, a success rate of 63.2%. For the N-exam, 33 of the 39 invited candidates showed up and 28 of them passed, a success rate of 84.8%. VERON https://tinyurl.com/IARU-Netherlands
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Sat May 28, 2022 9:01 am |
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Australia: Under 18's can take ham radio exam online The WIA recently received official AMC documentation confirming a shift in Amateur Radio Remote Exam Procedure The WIA post reads: Previously under the constraints of UTas policy, anyone under the age of 18 years of age was unable to sit an Online Remote Amateur Radio Exam Session. As you could imagine, this UTas policy had quite a negative impact on the ability to bring Youth and teenagers into the Amateur Service, especially during the last two years during the Covid pandemic and lock downs that ensued, as "face to face" exam sessions were extremely restricted or not allowed. Recent discussions by WIA members with ACMA and AMC have enabled AMC/UTas to amend their Amateur Radio Examination Policy to allow under 18’s to sit exams via remote. (Remote examinations can only be conducted by an AMC Level 3 Assessor) However some specific conditions must first be met and information received from the Office of Maritime Communications / AMC Amateur Radio is quoted below. “Remote assessments for candidates under the age of 18 are permitted to be conducted and have additional stipulations. A condition of conducting a remote online assessment for a candidate under the age of 18 is for a parent/guardian to be present in the room whilst the examination is being conducted. The following additional information is required to be sent to the office - an email address along with a contact phone number of the parent/guardian available to be present on the day the assessment is planned to take place.” This change will also be in conjunction to the proposed fully online Examination service AMC have been proposing to be released for use later this year. The WIA thanks the AMC/UTas for their consideration in amending their Exam Policy as this simple change is a big win for the AMC, AMC Assessors, WIA and the Amateur Radio Service in Australia. Source WIA https://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/ ... /index.php
_________________ Icom IC-7610 & Kenwood TS-570DG.
Tue May 31, 2022 9:16 am |
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