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 Which DMR server for hotspot ? 
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Post Which DMR server for hotspot ?
Trying to understand a Pi-Star hotspot. Have it set up and running and have pointed it at a server called IPCS2-PhoenixF. This seems to work fine to access the Pheonix networked talk groups, however Talk group 1 and 13 (ww calling) and 9990 (parrot) don’t seem to be mapped from this server. If I want to work stations outside the Phoenix net presumably I have to point my hotspot at a different server or is it just a case of using different talk groups.

I can see in the drop down list servers called NewYork, Aus, NewZeland, for example if I point to one of them how do I figure out what talk groups to use for each ?

Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:44 am
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 Which DMR server for hotspot ? 
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Post Re: Which DMR server for hotspot ?
The use of 9990 parrot ect are on the Brandmeister network if not already registered to use Brandmeister you will have to go to and set up an account.
Once the account is active you can connect to BM_United_kingdom_2341 or BM_ireland_2721 and access the talk groups.


Long : -1.22952 W (-1° 13' 46'' W)
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Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:54 pm
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 Which DMR server for hotspot ? 
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Post Re: Which DMR server for hotspot ?
Thank you for that.

I am puzzling over the difference between DMR, DMR+ ( which seems to be called DMR Plus in some places) , Brandmister and Phoenix. I can point my hotspot at different servers and experiment but I prefer to have some idea what is going on. TG1, 13 and 9990 work for me if I access Phoenix via a repeater but not via the Phoenix F server. Just to confuse things even more the Phoenix F dashboard I have found seems to be called Phoenix E. TG 1 and 13 don't seem to be listed as Brandmister talk groups that I can find.

Thu Dec 26, 2019 9:24 am
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 Which DMR server for hotspot ? 
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Post Re: Which DMR server for hotspot ?
G8WBO wrote:
Thank you for that.

I am puzzling over the difference between DMR, DMR+ ( which seems to be called DMR Plus in some places) , Brandmister and Phoenix. I can point my hotspot at different servers and experiment but I prefer to have some idea what is going on. TG1, 13 and 9990 work for me if I access Phoenix via a repeater but not via the Phoenix F server. Just to confuse things even more the Phoenix F dashboard I have found seems to be called Phoenix E. TG 1 and 13 don't seem to be listed as Brandmister talk groups that I can find.

They are all different 'systems'. Different ways of doing things.

Some like Brandmeister (BM) some don't... they may use the same TG's for the same function i.e. TG91 being Worldwide, but they may not.

Full disclosure.. I'm the Sysop of BM Server 2721.

Tue Jan 21, 2020 1:11 pm
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