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 hexbeam vs spiderbeam?! 
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Post hexbeam vs spiderbeam?!
Looking for I got 6 band hexbeam now, will I benefit a lot from spiderbeam?! Maybe here in the forum somebody done such a upgrade and how is performance results?!

Thank you for the answers and comments! Kes-m0pkz :hello:

Grantham io92qv.

Tue Apr 30, 2019 8:15 am
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 hexbeam vs spiderbeam?! 
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Post Re: hexbeam vs spiderbeam?!
I've got a Hexbeam permanently up and use a Spiderbeam for /P at our club contest station.

Performance-wise the Spiderbeam will be a bit better, 3 elements on most bands (4 on 10m) vs 2 elements with the Hexbeam. How much by? I'd say not a lot, having 4 vs 2 elements on 10m will make a more noticeable difference. Hard to compare my two as they are used in different locations but after using the Spiderbeam in a contest and coming home to use the Hex, I'm always surprised just how well it does. I think the move up from a single-element dipole to a 2 ele Hex is way more noticeable then the move from a 2 to a 3 ele.

Mechanically, the Spiderbeam is way inferior. My Hex has been up quite a few winters with big winds and hasn't skipped a beat, we put the Spiderbeam up at the /P site 2 or 3 times a year and have experienced multiple mechanical issues: while it's an electrical masterpiece, I don't think the mechanical design is great and nowhere near as robust as a Hex. You see plenty of contest stations and DXpeditions using Spiderbeams temporarily bbut I've not heard of anyone using one long-term at home.

Ours is stored in the garage here, I could replace the Hex with it but I've chosen not to due to the mechanical shortcomings: we've had broken spreaders and nearly lost the whole thing over a contest weekend when the mount almost cut right through the ally pole. The club includes several professional engineers who couldn't work out how to improve the mount without re-designing the whole thing, it's fundamentally flawed.

Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:25 pm
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 hexbeam vs spiderbeam?! 
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Post Re: hexbeam vs spiderbeam?!
Thnx for info...seems will stick with hex for now;)

Grantham io92qv.

Thu May 02, 2019 8:27 am
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