DV4 Mini - help needed / suggestions please!
Hi all - I am a DMR user with a DV4mini hotspot.
Radio wise I use a Retevis RT3 and have the software installed on a spare laptop in the shack positioned at the other end of the room to the main operating position as I find having the dongle too close the radio the audio is not detected (signal is there just no audio)
Up till this week I was connecting to the extended routing (old version) web browser on my newer pc (Windows 8.1) and choosing what room to go into with the software on the old pc running and connected to 4999 - this worked fine till Monday when I changed PC's to a Windows 10 machine and now when I load up the browser version of the extended routing page it wont find my dongle on the "choose dongle" dropdown even through both pc's run off the same internet router
I was under the impression that as long as any PC was on the same internet router then the old version of extended routing works on any pc? Also if I try normal extended routing via the Brandmeister Dashboard - it populates with my DMR ID and when I select the reflector I want and press save it comes up with "error" every time
I have tried selecting a different Master Server to no avail
Id welcome any comments please....