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DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters
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Author:  G0RUD [ Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

I have been completely unsuccessful in connecting my local repeater GB7WB to any other repeater UK or worldwide. I have followed the Icom instructions to link repeaters to distant repeaters and never have had any of my CQs replied to. This leads me to think that distant connectivity has not been achieved.

Is there a special method for this which the Icom instructions don't address ?

Has anybody achieved this ?

In my previous location I had exactly the same issue with a different local repeater, which I never resolved.

Any help would be appreciated. Peter GW0RUD

Author:  2W0JMK [ Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

Hi Peter what radio are you using?
I have a 7100 you should be in dv mode in the from section it should have the repeater and in the to section it should be CQCQCQ.

Mark 2w0jmk

Author:  G0RUD [ Fri Nov 16, 2018 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

I am using an ID5100. Your suggestion is correct if you want to put out a CQ through your local repeater. However I want to connect my local repeater to a distant (overseas) specific repeater. This should be possible and the Icom instructions tell you how to do this. Having followed the instructions I have never actually been able to make this facility work for me.

Author:  2W0JMK [ Fri Nov 16, 2018 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

Hi Peter. Right I understand now and I can not help you.
I have never tried to do what you are trying. Our local DSTAR repeater GB7PD is working
but has lost its Internet connection.
Mark 2w0jmk.

Author:  5B4AJG [ Sun Nov 18, 2018 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

Hi Peter,

I was hoping to see an easy answer too!
I have followed youtube videos without much success .
Part of my problem was caused by Icom, as my only DStar repeater downloaded from their web page has the wrong 2m frequency listed, although I eventually obtained the correct frequency I couldn’t change their software to correct their mistake. A youtube video showed me how to change the frequency, I can now tx into my local (only) repeater and get a report back and the Echo feature now works (again no thanks to Icom). I have now made contact to another country but not to my choice of countries, my 7100 is set up with cqcqcq etc. as per instructions. One particular youtube video is showing a connection to a busy American repeater but for me I hear nothing my end!
Oh well, good luck Peter.
Oh and by the way, after several emails to/from Icom they blindly state their frequency listed is correct!!! I have given them a link to the Cyprus CARS website which shows what frequency the Troodos repeater uses etc. and has done so for a few years but Icom insist their right. Strange I can’t tx/rx anything using that frequency but I can using the CARS published frequency.
Hopefully picking a country to work/route into will be solved soon.
Keep trying to succeed as others have.

73, Richard de 5B4AJG.

Author:  M0EPV [ Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

G0RUD wrote:
I have been completely unsuccessful in connecting my local repeater GB7WB to any other repeater UK or worldwide. I have followed the Icom instructions to link repeaters to distant repeaters and never have had any of my CQs replied to. This leads me to think that distant connectivity has not been achieved.

Is there a special method for this which the Icom instructions don't address ?

Has anybody achieved this ?

In my previous location I had exactly the same issue with a different local repeater, which I never resolved.

Any help would be appreciated. Peter GW0RUD

Hi Peter it is a bit of a pain you would be better of with a DV-Mega & BlueDv and link your ID5100 to the internet if you have a good internet speed.Gary

Author:  G0RUD [ Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

Just call me "old school" but I like to use my radio. I am in conversation with Icom technical people who haven't come up with a reason why this connectivity shouldn't work. I will continue to hound them until I get this issue resolved.

Author:  M0EPV [ Mon Nov 19, 2018 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

G0RUD wrote:
Just call me "old school" but I like to use my radio. I am in conversation with Icom technical people who haven't come up with a reason why this connectivity shouldn't work. I will continue to hound them until I get this issue resolved.

Have you checked on the dstar Dashboard to make sure you are connecting or not connecting.

Author:  G4HFG [ Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

Check your email and you may see the screen of my 5100 when it was connected to the HRO repeater in San Diego just now.

Author:  G0RUD [ Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DStar connectivity from local to distant repeaters

Success - The Icom instruction manual is written for Japanese and US operation. So the instructions for repeater to repeater connections are incorrect (thank you Icom). To connect to a distant repeater it is necessary to manually input the UR field with the distant repeaters callsign, port letter, and L, ensuring the port letter and L occupy the 7th and 8th positions, use a space if necessary. The first press of the PTT links the repeater and then CQ on the second depression. Note that not all repeaters have repeater connection activated.

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