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 First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought. 
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Post First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought.
Cheers for reading and any advice given.
I haven't got a clue about this, please be gentle.

I've a couple of mates abroad who use internet linked/digital radio (C4FM?) and they've asked if I use one. My last VHF/UHF radio was a Baofeng UV5R, that's how out of touch I am.

I'd like a radio that covers 2/70 as a minimum but happy to splash out a bit more on say an IC9700.

What's the difference between D-Star and C4FM? Is it just Icom against Yaesu? Which is the most popular?

Sorry for all the Q's, hope someone can put it in plain English.

I may even have a go at satellite work in the future.


..- .--.
07775 735735

Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:31 pm
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 First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought. 
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Post Re: First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought.
It all depends on what you want to do,

There is links between all modes but it can be tricky, it depends what way you plan to connect to the network, a 9700 is a very expensive way to try D-Star, personally I think YSF is the best DV mode, audio is very good it easy to use and the rigs are good,

So a few questions you need to answer,

What modes do your mates use,
Is there a local gateway or repeater to access the network,
Are you going to need a hotspot,
Are you going to use the rig for anything else?
Do you want to use it in the car or just at home,

Something like a FTM100 or 400 are a great mobile rig I have the 100 and it's great, any of the Yaesu ht's like a 2D or 3D are also very nice to use,

Personally I think D-Star is the worst of the 3, I found very little activity and the entry cost is the greatest, DMR is the cheapest with a nasty Chinese ht but programming these can put people off quickly,

Hope that is some help,


Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:47 pm
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 First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought. 
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Post Re: First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought.

Cheers mate, good advice from you as always.

I'm gobsmacked that there is no standard format yet, but, as per, the 'big three' are plying their own seperate ways.

I've recently heard of 'Peanut' as an iPhone user ( for now) it won't work, but I believe it works on an Android phone, that, again is for the future.

Give me a HF rig, a wire antenna and a morse key any day. Pure radio has never been more interesting..

..- .--.
07775 735735

Fri Jan 21, 2022 9:15 pm
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 First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought. 
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Post Re: First VHF/UHF Digital mobile radio - advice sought.
There is a Chinese rig that does all 3 but I've never seen it, like a lot of stuff from over that way it looks good on paper but reality is a lot different,

I have a DV Gateway setup in my QTH so I have rigs for the 3 main modes, but truth be told once I got it up and running I don't think I had 3 QSO's on it, I prefer the challenge of getting stuff working than actual talking,

That's why I would recommend a yaesu you can do local FM and then dip your toe into DV,

I don't have any experience of those phone based apps there has to be some RF in it or it's not radio for me, even it's it's just across the room from the HT to a hotspot at least your using a radio,


Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:10 pm
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