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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
Something I've been after for a while. Driving my landrover whilst having a cw qso with my left hand. US5XD on 20m.

It was quite safe and I operated no internet device or phone whilst driving. All telegraphy.

I probably won't do it again because left handed cw is, well, left handed ha ha. But I've ticked that box


David G4YVM

"For scientific leadership, give me Scott. For swift and efficient travel, Amundsen. But when you are in a hopeless situation, when there seems no way out, get on your knees and pray for Shackleton.â€


Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:54 am
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
Good to hear that you've done it. It's something I've always considered.

I've even got a Clansman key with it's leg strap and a PRC320 to go with it.

Trouble is it takes me 100% concentration to read CW and I don't think at present I would be able to drive and read CW at the same time.


Chris, G4HYG

Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:04 pm
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
I'd have loved to see you explaining why it was legal to the plod. They don't seem to have as much between the ears as they used to.

I've only done it from the passenger seat on 80m, chatting to a station that we were on the way to visit.

Chris, 'oop North.

Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:12 pm
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
What would he have accused me of doing wrong?

David G4YVM

"For scientific leadership, give me Scott. For swift and efficient travel, Amundsen. But when you are in a hopeless situation, when there seems no way out, get on your knees and pray for Shackleton.â€


Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:51 pm
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
G4YVM wrote:
What would he have accused me of doing wrong?

Well, they usually go for the catch-all 'Not being in proper control of the vehicle' that they use for people eating pork pies etc.

But they have to prove it, usually with dashcam evidence. The vehicle actually has to be 'not under proper control', but I imagine that yours was, as sending morse is a 'knack' and not rocket science.

Chris, 'oop North.

Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:09 pm
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
"driving without due care and attention" sounds a good one.

"CULPABILITY demonstrated by one or more of the following:
Factors indicating higher culpability
Excessive speed or aggressive driving
Carrying out other tasks while driving
Vehicle used for the carriage of heavy goods or for the carriage of passengers for reward
Tiredness or driving whilst unwell
Driving contrary to medical advice (including written advice from the drug manufacturer not to drive when taking any medicine)"

What do you reckon?

Even duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.

Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:27 pm
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
Very difficult to prove. They couldn't see my key and I'd obviously lie...

Anyway,all a tad academic of course as anyone of us who has used a fist mic knows. Unwrapping my sandwich whilst holding my coffee whilst steering with my knees whilst eyeing up that's distracting.

David G4YVM

"For scientific leadership, give me Scott. For swift and efficient travel, Amundsen. But when you are in a hopeless situation, when there seems no way out, get on your knees and pray for Shackleton.â€


Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:14 am
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
If they spend £10 000 for a helicopter to follow a woman eating an apple, they'd probably use an F35 to catch you using a key.
Must be worth more than an apple.

The whole mobile phone thing is skewed any way, it's not the holding of the phone that is a distraction, it's the speaking on it.

Gee Three Eee Jay Ess - SARL, EPC

Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:44 am
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
But officer, I was keying with my "other appendage".

-- -.-- / -.. .. -.-. -.-

Was M6NTA, then 2E0NTA now M0XAL.

Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:52 am
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 had my first mobile cw qso yesterday. 
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Post Re: had my first mobile cw qso yesterday.
This whole area is full of inconsistencies.

It always seemed strange to me that using a PTT was acceptable, but using a mobile phone wasn't.

Sat in a traffic jam (with the engine running) plod has been known to book people for drinking out of a bottle. I gather that if you pull over to the side to answer a phonecall you need to turn the engine off to avoid breaking the law.

Most new cars don't have buttons on the dashboard any more, they have an arcade game.

While driving along I can reach out (without looking) and find my way around my 'old fashioned' dashboard to get to the button I want.

With a touch-screen I'd have to look down & then try to remember which of the icons I need to press.

"...the carriage of passengers for reward..."
So, if you hook up with a gal at a club & drive her home in the hope of some nooky..... :-)

Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:28 pm
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