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Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro
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Author:  M6JNA [ Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

I have been using an endfed wire antenna and more recently a Western HF10 dipole. I also have a Wellbrook loop that I have used in the past for SWL but not used as much since I have passed my test.

My garden is fairly small, around 10m long and a neighbours tree over hangs. My dipole has one leg out straight but the other leg goes in the tree and down. I guess like an F that is rotated 90 degrees right. I would say it is at about a height of 10m. It works to some extent and has kept me happy on the JT modes but I would like to work a little more voice contacts.

I plan on setting up another end fed wire but instead of using the MFJ-993B intellituner I plan on using a remote tuner. I would like to replace my Wellbrook loop with either an MFJ-1786 or a Ciro Mazzoni Baby loop.

I know there are quality issues with the MFJ loops so I was planning to buy from Martin Lynches, they supposed to dismantle and check them prior to sale.

From what I have read on here people seem to have been happy with the Ciro Mazzoni loops and the same with the MFJ loops given their quality issues.

Apart from the adition of 40m and better build quality over the MFJ is the Ciro Mazzoni really worth it or would I be wasting my money? This would be my primary antenna.

I understand that loops are compromise antennas and will never match a beam or a decent vertical but I am used to compromises and challenges :)

Any help or opinions would be appreciated.

Author:  G6CSL [ Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

DON'T sell the Wellbrook Loop. Its day will come and you'll regret it.

Does your rig have the facility for separate receive and transmit antennas?

Author:  M6JNA [ Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

it does yes.

Author:  G6YEK [ Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

Had my Baby Loop for about 2 years and it works just Great, best DX on the loop was VP8ALJ on 15m .
ps Pic of loop on QRZ

Author:  M6JNA [ Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

G6YEK wrote:
Had my Baby Loop for about 2 years and it works just Great, best DX on the loop was VP8ALJ on 15m .
ps Pic of loop on QRZ

Thanks for the reply, was the VP station a digital contact or phone? I've worked VP8LP on 17m FT8 with my 10 watts.

I think I have made around 1300 contacts since I passed my foundation and out of those 1300 around 5 are voice :( Its hard work trying to beat a pile up with 10w so considering anything that will help.

Author:  G0IUW [ Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

Keep the Wellbrook for receive ....
I have both the MFJ and Ciro loops...

The MFJ is in the garage!!! That tells you something...

The Ciro is excellent once you get over the cost..... but be aware, it is extremely well made and very heavy...
Also you may find that mounting it as high as possible is a waste of effort...mine works best with the base about 7 feet AGL.

Roger G0IUW

Author:  g3rfh [ Sun Dec 03, 2017 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

I agree with Roger. Years ago I had 2 different sized CAPCO loops and experimented with them as to height and direction. I found the ideal height was about 10ft above ground for the base of the loop. Any higher didn't make any difference and any lower brought in danger of physical contact and also seemed to lower performance. Contrary to some, I also found that turning the loop in different directions didn't make much difference at all. The biggest disadvantage of the loop was the very narrow bandwidth, especially on 80M and 40M but I did notice a lot less noise on the loop compared to wire antennas (dipoles etc).
73 de Ken G3RFH

Author:  G0IUW [ Sun Dec 03, 2017 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

g3rfh wrote:
I agree with Roger. Years ago I had 2 different sized CAPCO loops and experimented with them as to height and direction. I found the ideal height was about 10ft above ground for the base of the loop. Any higher didn't make any difference and any lower brought in danger of physical contact and also seemed to lower performance. Contrary to some, I also found that turning the loop in different directions didn't make much difference at all. The biggest disadvantage of the loop was the very narrow bandwidth, especially on 80M and 40M but I did notice a lot less noise on the loop compared to wire antennas (dipoles etc).
73 de Ken G3RFH

Ken is quite correct regarding the bandwidth, but, with the Ciro, if you fit the add-on RS232 interface, if you have recent Icom,Yaesu, Kenwood or Elecraftt rig, the loop will follow the frequency of the rig and auto-tune according to VFO frequency.

Roger G0IUW

Author:  M6JNA [ Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

My Wellbrook loop is mounted around 10ft and around 10m away from the house. I use a light duty rotator which is ok and has helped nulling out any local QRM.

I understand the Ciro is very heavy and I would need a heavier duty rotator.

I'm going to try a G7FEK antenna this week and see how that goes.

Author:  drewbhoy1 [ Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

I use a mfj1786 Horizontal about 10 feet above the block of flats so no rotator needed and it nulls the flats underneath it . Tunes 20m to 10m flat and is quiet . I work qrp and its not stopped me work the world . Drew

Author:  M6JNA [ Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

So your happy with the MFJ?

I've read a lot of reviews on eham, most knock the build quality but say they perform really well or as well as a compromise antenna can.

I was looking at the ones ML&S do, supposed to be dismantled and checked prior to sale. Then there's the Ciro baby loop, I have the cash waiting, not sure if that cash will be there after Christmas though.

Author:  drewbhoy1 [ Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

I bought mine second hand and didn't like the controller with SWR meter so got the other controller and tune by ear and scope then fine tune with swr on radio when I want to tx .I would mount high and horizontal the no need for rotator . I have never seen the Ciro mounted horizontal and its a lot dearer . Good luck with any you decide to buy . Drew

Author:  G3ZPF [ Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

The thing with the Ciro loop that makes me wonder is the 'naked' capacitor plates. I'd take some convincing that the tuning doesn't shift as the amount of water vapour in the air changes so the stored settings in the controller wouldn't amount to anything if the weather changed.

Author:  G0IUW [ Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

G3ZPF wrote:
The thing with the Ciro loop that makes me wonder is the 'naked' capacitor plates. I'd take some convincing that the tuning doesn't shift as the amount of water vapour in the air changes so the stored settings in the controller wouldn't amount to anything if the weather changed.

Having both, I can say that they both move a bit, after all, its the same air that gets into the MFJ which is far from weatherproof.
With the Ciro, just a press of the Enter key on the controller does a retune...less that 1 second is all it takes.

Roger G0IUW

Author:  G3ZPF [ Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Opinions on mag loop MFJ/Ciro

How is the ciro getting on with all this snow? Presumably you have to 'open' the capacitor completely & hope it falls out from between the blades

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