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3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials together?
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Author:  SE3X [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials together?

Having a wooden pole appr. 12-13m high. Putting up 3 wire verticals, 80m (Inv-L), 40m (Inv-L) and 20m. They are separated some 0,5m out from and spread around the pole, each having 2 elevated tuned radials. Each with it's own coax feeder. It would be very easy to put short jumper cables betwen the radials and connect them together.

If radials on ground I think the answer would be obvius, just put as much as possibel copper in the ground ;) But what about elevated radials? Any benefit with connecting the elevated radialsystems together, or not?

Any comments appreciated ;) been Googling and reading the antenna handbook but don't get any wiser .. hi


Author:  m0jha [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials toget

If they are tuned and you connect them all together they will then become un tuned so you will lose any "benefit" . you will probably change any radiation pattern you have now and may in fact end up with all manner of issues ..

Author:  SE3X [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials toget

Well that's what I been thinking to. But, on 15m f.ex, will the radials for 40m resonate as if you compare with a 40m dipole that tunes well on 15m? in case they do, will they add to the groundplane? I wasn't sure on how to think about it ;) Of course playing safe would be to not to connect them together, but would like to know for sure. Would be interesting to get a theoretical explanation as well ;)


Author:  m0jha [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 3 wire verticals, elv. radials, connecting radials toget

Steves your man for solid info , no doubt he will reply with a far more informed reply than I could ever give ..

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