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Silent Key
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 1:23 pm Posts: 5637 Location: Northampton IO92ME
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 Re: pro antenna beams
That antenna is very easy to model, and I get results from EZNEC within a fraction of a dB of the ones published on the manufacturer's web site, so I'm pretty confident the modelling is "telling the truth".
On 40m it is about one quarter the length of a full-size half-wave dipole, which means it will have a very low radiation resistance and very high capacitive reactance. EZNEC predicts 6.5-j780. If we assume the balun is a 4:1 (things are even worse if it is a 9:1) the impedance at the end of the coax will be 1.6-j195 which is an SWR of over 500:1; the losses in 50ft of RG213 would be about 11dB.
In addition to the cable losses, the problem with such extreme impedances is that the balun will never be able to prevent current flowing back down the braid, and so the coax becomes an integral part of the radiating structure. Changing the coax length, or what terminates it at the shack end, will significantly change what is now a very complex radiating structure, which is why you are seeing the variations you are.
It's a simple fact that in order to force 100W into that dipole on 40m you would need to develop 4.3kV peak across the feedpoint. You and I know that isn't happening, so we know the power must be being radiated by something else.
73, Steve G3TXQ
Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:42 am |
Contributor 2025
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:34 pm Posts: 634 Location: west midlands
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 Re: pro antenna beams
Below are the basic readings on my mfj 259B.Not sure about coax loss,reading taken when pressing the gate after taking the r & x readings.
With exra 12 ft of coax Coax loss. reading with antenna connected 7.100........R = 7.......X = 53.....SWR......= 12.4.......................................0.6db 14.200........R = 65.......X = 95... SWR......= 4.9........................................1.7db 18.100........R = 72.......X = 58....SWR......= 2.7........................................3.3db 21.200........R = 70.......X = 59...SWR.....=.. 2.7........................................3.2db 24.900........R = 24.......X = 27...SWR.....=...2.7........................................3.2db 28.500........R = 19.......X = 11....SWR....=...3.1........................................2.8db
Without extra 12 ft coax.
7.100.........R = 3......X = 12....SWR...= 14.0.....................................0.6db 14.200........ R = 10......X = 2....SWR...= 5.0......................................1.7db 18.100........ R = 24......X = 25....SWR...= 2.6.......................................3.4db 21.200.........R = 20......X = 12....SWR...= 2.7.......................................3.2db 24.900.........R = 26......X = 30....SWR...= 2.8.......................................3.2db 28.500.........R = 23......X = 32.....SWR..= 3.2.......................................2.7db
Steve i am now trying to imagine how the figures would compare using ladder line rather than balun & coax,shame i recently gave my ladderline away not long ago or i would have tried it today.
73s Paul.
_________________ R.A.E Pass 6th June 1996 & 12 WPM CW Pass August 1997.Previous call M1AIZ.
Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:03 pm |
Silent Key
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 1:23 pm Posts: 5637 Location: Northampton IO92ME
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 Re: pro antenna beams
How long is your coax run, and what type is it?
Steve G3TXQ
Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:42 pm |
Silent Key
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 1:23 pm Posts: 5637 Location: Northampton IO92ME
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 Re: pro antenna beams
Let me take a wild guess ..... 74ft of RG58 ?
Steve G3TXQ
Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:48 pm |
Contributor 2025
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:34 pm Posts: 634 Location: west midlands
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 Re: pro antenna beams
78ft RG-213, give OR take a few inches Steve.
_________________ R.A.E Pass 6th June 1996 & 12 WPM CW Pass August 1997.Previous call M1AIZ.
Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:25 pm |
Silent Key
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 1:23 pm Posts: 5637 Location: Northampton IO92ME
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 Re: pro antenna beams
Is that with the 12ft or without?
Steve G3TXQ
Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:29 pm |
Contributor 2025
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:34 pm Posts: 634 Location: west midlands
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 Re: pro antenna beams
With the 12ft Steve.
_________________ R.A.E Pass 6th June 1996 & 12 WPM CW Pass August 1997.Previous call M1AIZ.
Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:40 pm |
Silent Key
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 1:23 pm Posts: 5637 Location: Northampton IO92ME
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 Re: pro antenna beams
I can only get close to your SWR and impedance figures if I assume a bit more loss than is accounted for by just the RG213 - that's why I guessed RG58 - but of course I don't know what the balun losses are.
The coax loss figures then are:
40m 13.3dB 20m 2.6dB 17m 1.2dB 15m 1.3dB 12m 1.8dB 10m 2.4dB
In comparison, these would be the losses with 78ft of Wireman554 ladderline:
40m 7.8dB 20m 1.3dB 17m 0.7dB 15m 0.5dB 12m 0.5dB 10m 0.6dB
The 40m figures are very suspect because, as I keep saying, I doubt it's the dipole alone that is radiating.
If I were building one for myself I'd probably use the ladderline option - the losses are slightly lower and it would save me building a remote balun. But if I already had the antenna, I doubt the savings would make it worth changing to ladderline.
73, Steve G3TXQ
Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:19 pm |
Contributor 2025
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:34 pm Posts: 634 Location: west midlands
Feedback: 36 (100%)
 Re: pro antenna beams
Thanks for the figures Steve,I will leave the ladder line for the time being.The antenna seems to have a very low noise floor considering my noisy enviroment & it is working o.k for me at present.
73 Paul.
_________________ R.A.E Pass 6th June 1996 & 12 WPM CW Pass August 1997.Previous call M1AIZ.
Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:32 pm |
 Re: pro antenna beams
healer wrote: if we all had the space and cash we would all have a massive errection in the back garden You don't need a lot of space and cash to do that, just a copy of Razzle and a box of tissues. 
Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:10 pm |
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