2e0msd wrote:
Hi. I’m looking at a commercial 5 band quad probably from Big Signal. His system uses a singal feed for all the directors. Now I wondered what interaction there would and it seems having done some reading that interaction between 10mtrs and 20 is a particular problem? I guess you could solve this by have 10 and 20 on a separate feeder? It would be fed with co-ax.
Any thoughts please?
Juan at big signal insists there no interaction on his version?
I had a cubex 5 band up for over 12 years, no interaction from anything , i even had a 50 mhz 5 element in the middle of it and above that a 14 element for 2 and a triband vertical all at around 70 feet.
I had at the start a yaesu fl7000 amp with the ability to run 1 feeder to the antenna and then a switch box for each band, then swapped over to the quadra amp again no issues, with a nov issued for 1kw back then, still no issues,
The only time i had an issue was when it was wound down to the stops and i would have high vswr on 10 mtrs ?
Good luck and i wish you well.