I'm sorry if these questions are stupid, but there seem to be so many conflicting bits of information around, I'd solicit yet another one :-)
I live in a semi detached house, with a 4 band HyEndFed EFHW with 49:1 mounted on my chimney. It's fed from my shack using some decent M&P coax. I am assuming that the coax acts as the counterpoise/ground to some extent as there is no separate connection for a CP at the antenna end, but I've not had any real RFI issues (that I'm aware of) other than a capacitive touch lamp which misbehaves when the radio is on TX.
I am considering whether to replace this with an EFRW, primarily to get some other bands which I don't have access to currently. If I were to use a 9:1 and a wire 45ish metres long, I believe I should be able to get a match (with a tuner) on most bands, certainly all that I'm interested in from 80m up. The wire would make at least 2 nearly 90 degree angles, but there would be 15m or so between each of the corners.
My questions are these:
Would this be likely to provide any real difference to simply getting a longer EFHW and running it in a similar path? Currently I have a 20m long EFHW which just runs in a straight line.
If I did go with the RW, would the coax still act as the CP if I simply didn't connect anything to the ground lug on the 9:1?
If so, would a CMC down at ground level before the coax enters the shack be more prudent than with the EFHW?
Thanks in advance for your collective wisdom.
Stefan MI0PYN