Change to my antenna feed arrangement
I have decided to do away with my remote matching unit for one in the shack. I originally used a remote unit because of the difficulty in feeding the antenna from the shack.
What I have done is to run 300Ω twin feeder inside 20mm conduit over the top of the side entrance to the bungalow, all the way to the feed point. It's about 26m long and the conduit has no discernible affect on the feeder, I do know that plastic conduit is a very good RF insulator have previously tested it, it also keeps the feeder dry, which is handy if it pours with rain.
The matching unit I have built and it is a double PI network, this is a PDF of the circuit:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ntvwoc9tk7pzr9j/Double%20PI%20match.pdf?dl=0I made a wooden box rather than metal because I wanted to make it as compact as possible for my small shack, it has turned out not much bigger than the K3, just slightly wider at 300mm and the same depth as the K3 250mm and not quite as high as the K3 at 90mm, these are the pictures of the box:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zj7od0rd59tsk5x/IMG_1393.JPG?dl=0It doesn't look very pretty at the moment because it is work in progress. I have used 4mm Banana plugs and sockets for the RF switching to save on the complexity of switches and to keep the runs short.
This is the inside of the box.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vnspetmdm8sq0l/IMG_1394.JPG?dl=0The coils are home made. There are two additional capacitors with flying leads terminating in banana plugs that I can place across either the TX side which is 1500pf and and additional 250pf across the antenna side if needed, this is really to save switches again as the capacitors are only used on a couple of bands.
A few comments on what I have found so far, having analysed the feeder plus antenna at the shack end, the losses on the open wire line are no worst than 1.3db, strangely that is on 60m where the standing wave is pretty high on that band and the lowest is 10m where it's 0.43db because the match is pretty close to 300Ω with a reactance of only a few ohms.
It operates from 160 through to 10m but because the antenna is short on 160m (30m total) it isn't very good, not only that the standing wave on the 300Ω feeder is something ridiculous like 1000:1, but the matching unit will match it. But I strap the feeders on that band and use the antenna as a Marconi Tee and feed it with the SGC-230, that works well.
I notice that the tuning on all bands is quite broad, none of this sharp tuning like you get on T match networks and only one matching setting, not like T networks where you can get two and sometimes more settings.
If I want to use it as an unbalanced AMU, all I have to do is short out one side of the network and replace the Balun with a coaxial choke and it will feed and end fed antenna, versatile
I hope this might spur some to think about trying their hand at building one of these units, they are very simple to make and they seem to do the job nicely.